
Chicagoland Skywarn

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About Us

Chicagoland Skywarn is a group of amateur radio operators, emergency coordinators, meterologists, and weather spotters in the Chicago metropolitan area. The purpose of the group is to promote severe weather awareness, organize training opportunites, and most importantly to act as a bridge of information from the many Skywarn, ARES, and RACES groups in the area. Our goal is to promote communication and goodwill between existing ham groups in the area, NOT to replace any of them. This group is moderated by Mike Swiatkowski, AA9VI; George Geotsalitis, NB9R; and Craig Dieckman, KC9HWK. Anyone is welcome to join this group and there are NO membership dues.

Please feel free to download our informational brochure for distribution at your next club meeting, hamfest, or weather spotter session.

Do you have any announcements, questions, or comments for Chicagoland Skywarn? Perhaps you'd like us to update our Community Calendar to feature your club's weather net or Skywarn event. Please use the feedback form, below. Items in RED are required.





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